

Polytechnique Montreal Winter Research Internship

「蒙特婁理工大學 (École Polytechnique Montréal)」(簡稱蒙大)邀請本院學生參與蒙特婁理工大學冬季實習計畫;若獲蒙大錄取,學生將於2020年(實習期間至少四個月,實習期間多舉辦在1月至5月)在該校進行冬季實習。


POLY-MTL_Mitacs_2020 Winter Research Internship Brochure


Application Form




1. Application Form;

2. Letter of motivation including the following information (if you have selected 2 research projects, provide a letter of motivation for each project):

   • explanations of your interest in working in the selected project

   • your skills in respect to the project

3. Curriculum vitae (CV);

4. Copy of your most recent academic transcript;

5. Proof of a full-time enrollment from your home institution (the letter must confirm that you are currently enrolled in a full-time program and will continue to be enrolled upon your return);

6. If possible, a copy of an internship report made in the past.

◎若獲該校錄取,蒙大提供Employer Compliance Fee加幣230元。蒙大另針對臺大申請者提供「一名」每月1500加幣獎學金名額(最多補助四個月)。

有意願之申請者請於2019年7月22日(一)12:00前將所有文件以電子檔寄至minatang@ntu.edu.tw 信件主旨請註明:2019 Winter Research Internship Program