
2024年香港科技大學暑期班 即日起開放申請


HKUST International Summer Exchange Program (ISP) 2024

  本院姊妹校香港科技大學(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)主辦之2024年暑期交換計畫(International Summer Exchange Program 2024)即日起開放申請,有興趣之申請者請將申請資料備妥,於1/19(五)下午4時前送交工學院辦公室,逾時歉難收件。

Application deadline for College of Engineering: January 19, 2024


活動期間:2024年6月17日 - 8月10日

Program dates: 17 June to 10 August 2024



1. 本院大學部學生,二年級(含)以上,大四生亦可申請,但交換期間須維持台大學籍,不得提前或中途辦理離校手續
Undergraduate students sophomores (inclusive) and above. Students must maintain their NTU status during the exchange period and are not allowed to leave school.

2. 在校成績前一學年學業平均成績(GPA)達3.3(含)以上
GPA in the previous academic year at last 3.3

3. 語言能力要求: 雅思6.0/托福(PBT)550/托福(CBT)213/托福(iBT)80
English language requirements: IELTS 6.0; TOEFL(PBT) 550; TOEFL(CBT) 213; TOEFL(iBT) 80

4. 未曾錄取校/院/系級交換學生計畫
Not admitted to University/college/department level exchange student program


申請資料Application Documents:

  1. 申請書 Application form
  2. 歷年成績單Academic transcript
  3. 英文檢定證明English language proficiency
  4. 其他申請文件如個人簡歷、自傳、推薦信等(非必要) CV, letter of recommendation, or other documents (optional)



預計3~6名Estimated number of admissions: 3~6 students




The minimum and maximum credits are 3 credits and 9 credits respectively. Students should take no more than 3 courses in total.



Basic program fee

(University housing fee, student visa application and handling fee, and HKUST compulsory travel insurance fee)



活動網址: https://isp.hkust.edu.hk/



  1. ISP課程日期與本校下學期期末或有重疊,請同學衡量是否能夠全程參與。
    ISP course dates may overlap with the NTU Spring semester. Students need to consider whether they can attend the entire program.
  2. 本暑期課程必須經由工學院甄選推薦,主辦單位恕不接受個人申請。
    ISP students must be selected and nominated by the College of Engineering, and individual applications will not be accepted.


本案承辦人:工學院辦公室 許小姐 (Ms. CC Hsu, EMAIL: cchsu@ntu.edu.tw , TEL: 3366-3275 )