
Emeritus Prof. Luh-Maan Chang of Civil Engineering Department Awarded the Honor of Chair Professor of High-Tech Facility

High-Tech Facility Committee, Semiconductor Equipment & Materials, International (SEMI) set up the Honor of Chair Professor of High-Tech Facility in order to increase the level of College of Engineering in the field of high-tech facility engineering, and to encourage outstanding scholars and experts to guide the direction of high-tech facility research & development in the following applications including: building construction, structural vibration, pollution prevention, energy conservation & carbon reduction, environmental protection, etc., aiming to set up brilliant academic models and the spirit of technology innovation.

For each donation unit, only one winner will be awarded with the special honor. The winner will be rewarded NTD 500,000 every year and becoming the Chair Professor of High-Tech Facility for the term of three years. After the expiration, the winner can be recommended and selected again until winning the honor for the second time, becoming a lifetime honor and no longer accepting the recommendation again. It is a great honor to announce that the winner of 2018 academic year is Emeritus Professor Luh-Maan Chang of Civil Engineering Department.