2024 Dean's Award for CoE Graduate Students

Group photo of award-winning students and advisors, with CoE Dean and distinguished guests from the donating enterprises at the 2024 Dean's Award for CoE Graduate Students Award Ceremony.
The 5th (2024) Dean's Award for CoE Graduate Students Award Ceremony took place on the morning of August 30. Hosted by NTU CoE Dean, Dr. Mao-Hsiung CHIANG, the event was attended by nearly 170 award-winning advisors and graduate students, department heads, distinguished guests from the donating enterprises, as well as award-winning students' families and friends. This year, a total of 92 master's/PhD students and 81 advisors received the award, which again broke the record throughout the years. At the ceremony, Dr. CHIANG issued certificates of commendation to the awardees and certificates of appreciation to the 18 donating enterprises. The event reached its climax when Foxconn's iPEBG (innovative Product Enclosure Business Group) sponsored a smartphone for prize drawing among the graduate students before the ceremony ended in a joyful atmosphere. A research poster presentation followed the ceremony at the first-floor hall of the "Dept. of Mechanical Engineering/TSUNG Cho-Chang Hall" (which was newly inaugurated in August 2024), where the students and their advisors exchanged ideas and research results with representatives from the enterprises.

NTU CoE Dean, Dr. Mao-Hsiung CHIANG, delivers a speech at the award ceremony.
In his speech, Dr. CHIANG first congratulated the award-winning students and advisors, and commended the CoE faculty and students for their dedication to research and the outstanding R&D results they have achieved. Moreover, with the results of the 2024 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award released recently, four out of the 45 winners in the entire country are from the NTU CoE. This spectacular accomplishment further affirms the research energy of the CoE's young and outstanding faculty members. At the ceremony, Dr. CHIANG specially expressed gratitude to the enterprises for their active participation in talent cultivation. The list of attending enterprises includes Marketech International Corp., Huang Yuann Construction Co., TCC Group Holdings, AG Materials Technology Co., Ltd., PEGATRON Corp., Walsin Lihwa Corp., BenQ Materials Corp., United Microelectronics Corp., Yung Chi Paint & Varnish Manufacturing Co., LIH KANG Industrial Co., Ltd., C SUN Mfg., Ltd., Gallant Micro. Machining Co., Ltd., Gallant Precision Machining Co., Ltd., Foxconn iPEBG (innovative Product Enclosure Business Group), YOKE Industrial Corp., United Orthopedic Corp., YJHW STUDIO, and Chang Chun Petrochemical Co., Ltd. All these enterprises have kindly donated to the Dean's Award for CoE Graduate Students every year and attended the ceremony to make exchanges with the faculty and the students. Such exchanges have facilitated a greater bond between the CoE and R&D/HR managers from these enterprises, thereby bridging the gap between academia and the private sector regarding talent needs. The interactions during the event will also better prepare our students for the professional careers ahead of them. Next year (2025) will mark the CoE's 80th anniversary, and a series of celebration activities are to be held. In his speech, Dr. CHIANG also cordially invited the donating enterprises to visit again and participate in the events.
The Dean's Award for CoE Graduate Students was established in 2020. In accordance with regulations stipulated by each department and graduate institute, students with the best research achievements among the master's and PhD students graduating in that particular academic year shall be shortlisted as award recipients. Initially, only 5% of all graduating master's/PhD students could receive this honor. However, starting from 2022, the number was increased to 10% of all graduating master's/PhD students, with the addition of an award category to incentivize advisors so that more faculty members and students can be encouraged into the field of research. With about 900 to 1,000 master's and PhD students graduating from the CoE each year, the number of award recipients typically falls around 100. Each award recipient and their advisor will receive a certificate from the CoE and a cash prize of NT$10,000.

Group photo of award recipients and distinguished guests from the donating enterprises at the hall of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering/TSUNG Cho-Chang Hall, followed by a series of exchanges on the academic research results and their implications.