2025 Polytechnique Montréal Winter Research Internship Program
- 申請簡章Application Brochure:
Research-Intern_one-pager_Winter2025_web(如PDF附檔as attachment)
Research Internship網站:https://polymtl.adv-pub.moveonca.com/rip/
Project 清單:https://polymtl.adv-pub.moveonca.com/report-page-2284/
- 申請人資格Applicant Qualifications:
- 實習期間具有台大學生身分(不可休學,實習期間仍須具備台大學生身份)
Must be a student of National Taiwan University (NTU) during the internship period (no leave of absence; must maintain NTU student status throughout the internship).
- GPA 2.75以上
GPA of 2.75/4 (or equivalent) or higher.
- 本院大學部三年級(含)以上、碩博士班二年級(含)以上
Completion of at least 2 years of an undergraduate engineering program or at least 1 year of a master's or doctoral engineering program before the start of the internship.
- 每個 research project 的規定資格都不同,請同學詳閱蒙特婁理工大學提供的brochure中的說明。
- Each research project has its own specific eligibility requirements. Please carefully read the descriptions provided in the brochure from Polytechnique Montréal.
- 實習期間(該校建議4個月,請見下列4項該校建議之實習期間):
Internship Duration(The recommended period by Polytechnique Montréal is 4 months, please see the following 4 recommended internship periods):
1. 2025-01-06 to 2025-05-05
2. 2025-01-20 to 2025-05-19
3. 2025-02-10 to 2025-06-09
4. 2025-02-24 to 2025-06-23
- 獎學金Scholarship:若獲本院推薦,學生可向該校申請此實習計畫之獎學金,金額為每月加幣1,500(以四個月為上限),該校預計挑選至多25名獲獎者
If recommended by NTU-CoE, students can apply for a scholarship for this internship program from Polytechnique Montréal. The scholarship amount is CAD 1,500 per month (up to a maximum of four months). Polytechnique Montréal plans to select up to 25 scholarship recipients.
- 所需繳交之申請文件(除項目1以中文或英文撰寫外,其他項目請以英文或法文撰寫):
Required Application Documents (except item 1, which should be written in Chinese or English, all other items should be written in English or French):
- Application Form
- Academic transcript (clearly stating your cumulative GPA or cumulative average;);
- Certification of Enrollment
- Letter of motivation including the following information (if you have selected 2 research projects, provide a letter of motivation for each project):
- name of professor;
- title of the project;
- your interest in working in the selected project;
- your skills in respect to the project.
- Copy of your passport;
- Curriculum vitae (CV) / Resume;
- Internship report (If possible, a copy of an internship report made in the past.)
- 實習結束後學生須繳交一份心得報告(A4 兩頁以上,檢附數張照片)予工學院。
Submit your Internship Program report (minimum two pages of an A4-size paper) to NTU-CoE.
- 本實習計畫必須經由工學院甄選推薦,並由本院推薦給主辦學校,學生自行自行遞件給主辦方視為無效。
Applicants of this Internship Program have to apply to NTU-CoE first, if passing NTU-CoE’s reviewing process and receive NTU-CoE’s nomination qualification, NTU-CoE will nominate students to École Polytechnique Montréal (the host university).
- 獲本院推薦之學生,會需至線上系統填寫Online Application Form,院辦會以Email方式通知。
After receiving NTU-CoE’s nomination qualification, students need to fill in the Form in an online system. (the NTU-CoE will inform the online system through Email.)
- 此錄取結果僅代表獲本院推薦,主辦單位蒙特婁理工大學(École Polytechnique Montréal)仍保有最終審查錄取權力。
If applicants pass NTU-CoE’s reviewing process, it only represents that applicants receive NTU-CoE’s nomination qualification, École Polytechnique Montréal (the host university) reserves the right of final review and admission.
- 請自己確認文件都有備妥後再交件,缺件院辦將不另行通知。
The NTU-CoE will not notify the missing documents; you will be unqualified until you submit the completed documents. Please ensure you have all documents before applying and sending them out.
有意申請之學生,請於2024年6月27日(四)下午5時前,將申請所需文件繳交至工學院辦公室沈小姐(02-3366-1450)並以電子檔寄至yuhanshen@ntu.edu.tw,信件主旨請註明2025 Polytechnique Montréal Winter Research Internship Program Application_ooo(系所年級),例:2024 Polytechnique Montréal winter Research Internship Program Application_王大明(機械所一年級),逾時恕不收件。
Students interested in applying, please submit the required application documents to Ms. Yu-Han Shen @ Room 247, College of Engineering Building (02-3366-1450) by 5:00 PM on Thursday, June 27, 2024. Additionally, send electronic copies to yuhanshen@ntu.edu.twwith the email subject: "2025 Polytechnique Montréal Winter Research Internship Program Application_[Department/Grade]" (e.g., "2025 Polytechnique Montréal Winter Research Internship Program Application_Wang Da-Ming (ME, First Year)"). Late submissions will not be accepted.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Yu-Han Shen. Thank you.