To be one of the world's premier engineering schools
The mission of the College of Engineering is to provide an environment where education and research can complement and enhance one another. We strive to provide the highest quality of education by constantly improving course curricula, cultivating both fundamentals and specializations, promoting ethics and social responsibility, and enhancing international vision and leadership to produce outstanding engineers and researchers who can tackle the demands of national infrastructure and technology advancement. In research, we are dedicated to developing engineering-related fields, emphasizing both basic and applied research, and strengthening collaboration with industry to enhance the quantity and quality of research for each of the College’s academic areas to attain world-class standards and domestic leadership.
Core Competency of College of Engineering
1. Professional Knowledge and Innovation Ability
2. Humanity Cultivation and Global Vision
3. Personal Morality and Engineering Ethics
4. Leadership and Teamwork
5. Industrial Technology and Social Compassion