
Prof. Tung-Wu Lu Honored as Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology, USA


Prof. Tung-Wu Lu (front row, first left) in group photo of the Department of Biomedical Engineering faculty at National Taiwan University.


Prof. Tung-Wu Lu of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at National Taiwan University has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Kinesiology (NAK), USA. He was officially inducted into the Academy during its 93rd Annual Meeting, in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 28, 2024, where he was presented with the Fellowship certificate and medal.

Founded in 1926, the National Academy of Kinesiology is the highest academic institution in the field of kinesiology in the United States. Election as a Fellow is a lifetime honor, representing significant contributions to the global field of kinesiology. During the past century, only 643 scholars have been selected as Fellows. In 2024, 19 new Fellows were elected, including three international Fellows. Prof. Lu is the fourth kinesiologist from Taiwan to receive this honor and the first from a non-sports department.

Prof. Lu was awarded his D.Phil in Engineering Science by Oxford University in 1997 and has been a faculty member at NTU’s Department of Biomedical Engineering for 26 years. During this time, he has served as Director of the Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center and the Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering. He is currently a joint professor in the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery and School of Occupational Therapy at the NTU College of Medicine. He also serves as Director of NTU’s Health Science and Wellness Research Center and is a board director of the Taiwan Institute of Sports Science.

Prof. Lu’s research expertise encompasses human motion analysis, orthopedic biomechanics, sports biomechanics, imaging biomechanics, and intelligent wearable technology. He has published over 210 peer-reviewed journal papers and received numerous awards, including the Young Investigator Award from the Orthopedic Research Society (USA) and recognition as one of the world’s top 2% scientists. His research findings have had a profound impact on practical applications, particularly his development of a global optimization method to reduce skin marker movement errors in 3D motion capture systems, now widely used in commercial motion analysis systems.


Professor Tung-Wu Lu (second left), along with President Samuel R. Hodge (first right) and sponsors (Professors Li and Tsung-Ming Hung), after his official induction into the Academy during its 93rd Annual Meeting, held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on September 28, 2024.